niedziela, 1 stycznia 2017

A Rose By Any Other Name

What Are We On About Today

What I want to do today is to talk about gen­res and clas­si­fi­ca­tion, and to do so pri­mar­i­ly by eval­u­at­ing two claims: the first, that Portal 2 is a puz­zle game, and the sec­ond, that Dragon Age 2 is not an epic.  I intend to look at what these two sen­tences real­ly mean, why they have been said, and what sort of atti­tudes are revealed in their utter­ance.  Hopefully, by the end of this arti­cle, we’ll have a bet­ter under­stand­ing of what a genre or clas­si­fi­ca­tion is, and how and when it should be used.  Specifically, I hope to try to show why gen­res and clas­si­fi­ca­tions are immense­ly help­ful for describ­ing works to other peo­ple, and can fre­quent­ly offer trea­sure tro­ves of good ideas to draw from in the cre­ation of new works.  Genres and clas­si­fi­ca­tions became dan­ger­ous, how­ev­er, when they became pro­scrip­tive, when a work is crit­i­cized for fail­ing to adhere to estab­lished con­ven­tions.

On Portals and Puzzles

My opin­ion of Valve’s Portal 2 is already a mat­ter of pub­lic record.  I think it’s the best com­plete game I’ve played in years.  Most of the Internet seems to agree with me, but short­ly after I played the game, I found myself con­front­ed by a recur­ring crit­i­cism.  Namely, peo­ple would accuse Portal 2 of not being enough of a puz­zle game, usu­al­ly with a sen­tence some­thing like “Portal 2 is a puz­zle game, there­fore it should/should not have done X.”
In other words, peo­ple would become irri­tat­ed at var­i­ous things the game did or did not do, all because of its genre, the clas­si­fi­ca­tion in which the game was placed.  These var­i­ous things (too many sprawl­ing envi­ron­ments, too much of an empha­sis on nar­ra­tive, too easy, etc.) osten­si­bly con­tra­dict its class, and make it less of a puz­zle game and more about other things.
On one level, this makes some sense.  If I sign up to go see a cello recital, and halfway through the cel­list puts down his cello, picks up an elec­tric gui­tar and starts flail­ing away at a ren­di­tion of Purple Haze, I sup­pose I might have some right to be a bit put out (I mean, I wouldn’t be, but that’s more a func­tion of my love for Jimi Hendrix than any­thing nor­ma­tive).  Even if the Hendrix cover was truly fan­tas­tic, it prob­a­bly didn’t have any place in a cello recital, and if the recital was labeled “cello recital” and not “mis­cel­la­neous music recital,” I might have some right to be irri­tat­ed.  If the musi­cian in ques­tion want­ed to play both the cello and the gui­tar, he should prob­a­bly have said so to begin with.
Similarly, it might make sense that if Portal 2 is fun­da­men­tal­ly a puz­zle game, but fre­quent­ly does non-puzzly things that take away from its effec­tive­ness as a puz­zle game, it might deserve crit­i­cism.
The prob­lem is that I’m not real­ly sure it makes that much sense to strict­ly refer to Portal 2 as a puz­zle game, and, more to the point, I’m not cer­tain that that label exists any­where except in our own heads.
See, rather than sit down and try to ham­mer out what, exact­ly, defines the cat­e­go­ry of “puz­zle game” and whether or not Portal 2 real­ly fits those qual­i­fi­ca­tions, I think it makes more sense to ana­lyze where that cat­e­go­ry came from, and whether or not it actu­al­ly makes any sense to crit­i­cize Portal 2 for fail­ing to live up to its stan­dards.
If you asked me to describe Portal 2 to you, I would prob­a­bly begin by say­ing “It’s a puz­zle game,” or some­thing sim­i­lar, because that cat­e­go­ry is help­ful for com­mu­ni­cat­ing a series of things about the game, and there are few other commonly-used cat­e­gories that fit it bet­ter.  It’s cer­tain­ly more of a puz­zle game than it is a role-playing game or a first per­son shooter (though it is played from the first per­son with a gun that shoots things).  But if I stopped describ­ing either Portal game at “puz­zle game,” I would not be com­mu­ni­cat­ing a very accu­rate pic­ture of the game.
Bejeweled is pure “puz­zle game,” but both Portals, and the sec­ond in par­tic­u­lar, are also strong­ly char­ac­ter­ized by a wicked sense of humor and very, very strong (if sub­tle) nar­ra­tive.  Portal with­out GLaDOS, cake, and the Weighted Companion Cube is not Portal at all, where­as Bejeweled might still be iden­ti­fi­ably itself with just a dif­fer­ent art style or sound­track.  These other, non-puzzle ele­ments make up a sub­stan­tial por­tion of both Portal games’ appeal and aes­thet­ic value.  Even though the first game has less of an empha­sis on nar­ra­tive and char­ac­ter than the sec­ond, it would not be near­ly as inter­est­ing or worth­while if the nar­ra­tive was removed.  The bril­liant humor is a sub­stan­tial por­tion of why the fran­chise caught on in the first place, and the creep­ing feel­ing of dread­ful real­iza­tion that the voice over the loud­speak­er is not mere­ly a quirky record­ing but is, in fact, an unfriend­ly and unpre­dictable con­scious­ness that has it out for you is an impor­tant part of the game.
This is dou­bly true for the sec­ond game.  If one sim­ply removed Wheatley and GLaDOS and Cave Johnson, and, instead, had only a series of intrigu­ing por­tal puz­zles, one would be miss­ing out on a great por­tion of Portal 2.  The game is found in the merg­ing of both the game­play and the nar­ra­tive.
I can think of no more appro­pri­ate part of Portal 2 to illus­trate this point than in the oft-discussed moments in the game when it leads you to believe you are about to solve a puz­zle and then quick­ly shunts you aside for a nar­ra­tive sequence.  Yahtzee’s review makes note of this when he talks about these “two sep­a­rate occa­sions with­in it when a puz­zle is inter­rupt­ed by a story sec­tion.”  Admittedly, he then does go on to state that Portal 2 is not real­ly a puz­zle game, but I think there’s some­thing curi­ous about that sen­ti­ment.
It seems to sug­gest that there did, in fact, exist a puz­zle which the story inter­rupt­ed, as though the two things were sep­a­rate ele­ments, as though if the story would just go away for a few moments, there exist anoth­er two puz­zles in the game that you could solve.
This is not true.  The puz­zle was not inter­rupt­ed by the story, although that’s cer­tain­ly how Chell might feel.  There never was a puz­zle to inter­rupt.  There was the illu­sion of a puz­zle cre­at­ed entire­ly for the pur­pose of inter­rup­tion, so that the story could con­tin­ue.  Further, the story and the puz­zles are not real­ly entire­ly sep­a­rate ele­ments.  The story is fre­quent­ly expressed through the puz­zles, the puz­zles advance the story, and the puz­zles gain value and inter­est from their con­tex­tu­al­iza­tion in the story.  It does not real­ly make sense to talk about the “story” inter­rupt­ing the “puz­zle,” because they aren’t real­ly sep­a­rate ele­ments.  There is just the game, which com­mu­ni­cates with the play­er in a mul­ti­tude of dif­fer­ent ways, includ­ing story ele­ments and puz­zle ele­ments.
In this way, I hope you see why sim­ply describ­ing Portal 2 as a “puz­zle game” doesn’t do it jus­tice, and why it’s real­ly very silly to eval­u­ate it again­st that cat­e­go­ry.  A pure puz­zle game is, indeed, some­thing like Bejeweled, or Plants Vs. Zombies or Tetris.  In this con­text, “puz­zle game” is a use­ful descrip­tor, a use­ful short­hand way of describ­ing sev­er­al of the game’s ele­ments, but it far from tells the whole story.  There is no prob­lem with refer­ring to Portal 2 as a puz­zle game in casu­al con­ver­sa­tion or at the begin­ning of a rec­om­men­da­tion.  The prob­lem comes when one attempts to judge it again­st that cat­e­go­ry rather than on its own mer­its.

The Epic Jar

Dragon Age 2 was a weird thing for a num­ber of rea­sons, many of which I have already dis­cussed at length.  But per­haps the biggest rea­son why it’s inter­est­ing from a soci­o­log­i­cal stand­point is the way the back­lash again­st it tend­ed to focus on its fun­da­men­tal design choic­es, rather than on its fre­quent laps­es in exe­cu­tion.  A dis­cus­sion of these points formed the back­bone of my arti­cle on the Problem of Expectation, but there is one speci­fic sub­set of those crit­i­cisms that I only briefly men­tioned before, and which is par­tic­u­lar­ly rel­e­vant to this dis­cus­sion.
The crit­i­cism is that Dragon Age 2 was not an epic, which is an accu­rate enough state­ment.  It’s not.  I don’t take issue with the fac­tu­al accu­ra­cy of the point.  The prob­lem is that peo­ple will bandy that state­ment about as though it was a crit­i­cism instead of a sim­ple state­ment of fact.
The word “epic,” my friends, is a state­ment of genre.  Some things are epics, and some things are not, and this has absolute­ly noth­ing to do with their respec­tive qual­i­ty.  The Lord of the Rings is an epic, and it is fan­tas­tic.  Lolita is not an epic, and it is also fan­tas­tic.  Conversely, (and switch­ing media), Avatar is an epic, and it is awful, and When in Rome is not an epic, and is also awful.
To describe some­thing as an epic is to make a state­ment about its scope, not its qual­i­ty.  It is a clas­si­fi­ca­tion, a way of point­ing out the dif­fer­ences between a movie like Gone With The Wind and one like The Maltese Falcon.
If this is true, there is no shame in not being an epic.  This hasn’t stopped peo­ple from crit­i­ciz­ing Dragon Age 2 for its reduced scope, how­ev­er.  I couldn’t fig­ure out why this was such a prob­lem until I watched Yahtzee’s review of the game, where­in he states that “The only point any­thing resem­bling a world-threatening fan­ta­sy adven­ture story occurs is right at the end, for the sequel hook.”
That made me under­stand.  Fantasy games are usu­al­ly epics.  Fantasy any­things are usu­al­ly epics, because most authors want to show off the mas­sive world they have cre­at­ed.  They usu­al­ly involve world or at least country-threatening events, mas­sive adven­tures across col­or­ful and exotic places.  Thus, when peo­ple learned that DA2 was a fan­ta­sy game, they auto­mat­i­cal­ly assumed it was an epic, and were thus dis­ap­point­ed by a game which is fun­da­men­tal­ly about one person’s rise to power.
But this kind of mas­sive scope is not nec­es­sary for a good fan­ta­sy story: try Neverwhere for an excel­lent small-scope fan­ta­sy novel, or Planescape: Torment for an excel­lent small-scope fan­ta­sy game.  The fact that The Lord of the Rings was epic in scope does not carry as a corol­lary the fact that all other fan­ta­sy things must be sim­i­lar­ly huge.  DA2 con­tains a myr­i­ad of prob­lems, large and small, but among them is not its scope.

So Why Is This A Problem?

At this point, you may be won­der­ing why this all mat­ters.  Sure, maybe peo­ple were mad at Dragon Age 2 for the wrong rea­sons, or crit­i­cize Portal 2 for silly rea­sons.  So what?  Further, it’s not exact­ly news that peo­ple like to com­part­men­tal­ize things.
I’m bring­ing this up not just because I’m enough of a pedant to get mad at peo­ple for being wrong (though, admit­ted­ly, that’s prob­a­bly part of it.)  There are two big rea­sons why this focus on genre con­ven­tion is bad:
1. By hold­ing an incor­rect pic­ture of what a game is in your head, you can miss its value.  I’ve men­tioned before that the first time I tried to play Assassin’s Creed I insist­ed on try­ing to play it as though it was a straight stealth game.  This wasn’t wrong because of the cat­e­go­ry mis­take alone, or sim­ply because it might hurt some developer’s feel­ings some­where, but because I missed the fun and value of the game by doing so.  Once I quit let­ting my pre­con­cep­tions get in the way of what it was, I enjoyed myself immense­ly.  Similarly, some­one who insists Portal 2 ought to be a pure puz­zle game might miss the value of the won­der­ful nar­ra­tive and char­ac­ters while he or she is grous­ing.  It’s thus impor­tant not to get too hung up on genre because doing so leads to the Problem of Expectation.
2. More impor­tant­ly, using gen­res and clas­si­fi­ca­tions as pre­scrip­tive rather than descrip­tive stag­nates the medi­um.  One should not crit­i­cize a game for devi­at­ing from genre con­ven­tion unless it is explic­it­ly try­ing to be a pure exam­ple of a given genre.  You undoubt­ed­ly remem­ber read­ing about or hear­ing about the sorts of stuffy folks that were mad at Beethoven or Hemingway or Picasso or any of a bil­lion other peo­ple for break­ing the rules, right?  This is no bet­ter.  Whining at Portal 2 for not fit­ting neat­ly into the clas­si­fi­ca­tions we have in mind for “puz­zle games” is the same sort of thing as whin­ing at Beethoven’s Fifth for not fit­ting neat­ly into the pre-existing struc­ture of a sym­pho­ny.
If devel­op­ers are con­tin­u­al­ly stymied by this kind of point­less crit­i­cism, they are like­ly to be more hes­i­tant to try again.  It isn't surprising that Dragon Age 3 is much larg­er in scope than its pre­de­ces­sor, and it may be a while before EA con­sid­ers pub­lish­ing a fan­ta­sy game with small­er stakes than the whole world.  Video games are pre­pos­ter­ous­ly expen­sive to make, and if we keep telling pub­lish­ers that we don’t want to play games that chal­lenge us or push out of our estab­lished gen­res, they will lis­ten.
So remem­ber, folks: gen­res are use­ful as descrip­tors, as ways of telling your friends what kind of game you’re play­ing.  But as soon as they become pro­scrip­tive or nor­ma­tive, they lose their use­ful­ness and instead become active­ly harm­ful.

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